We understand sometimes it can be hard to take the first step to ask for help. That’s why we want to make it as easy as possible.  You tell us what you want to talk about and when and we’ll meet you face-to-face for a coffee or a chat in the café of your choice. We’ll never start a religious conversation, and everything remains confidential. We are non-judgemental and you tell us what you want to talk about. 

Some of the things people chat to us about include:

  • challenges or stress at work
  • concerns about a child or a disabled or elderly relative and their care
  • anxieties about a family member or friend who is ill or dying
  • finding the death of someone you love hard to cope with
  • going through a bad patch in your relationship or needing support through a divorce
  • religious or faith matters
  • Domestic abuse

Some people have shared their experiences with the Chaplaincy. Read about them here.

We offer dedicated chaplains for both retail and corporate employees. We can also provide guidance and recommendations for other organisations and faith groups that can offer support.  

Click on the links below to find out more about how to get help from your desk, or to read about our chaplains’ dedicated marriage counselling, or for practical tips on how to support a grieving colleague.