Last November members of the Canary Warf Multifaith Chaplaincy joined a clergy learning day at the St. Paul’s Institute to discuss the subject of how multifaith chaplaincy can aid mission. The event was held to support Christian chaplains in what is becoming ever more varied work, whether in the workplace or in institutions such as hospitals, universities or prisons.

The Lead Chaplain, who is an anglican priest highlighted the importance of chaplains being rooted in their own faith communities while developing positive relationships with the interested parties around them. They noted that working as part of a multifaith team brought a diverse range of experiences, expertise and ideas to the table.

The Muslim and Jewish chaplains respectively to join the lead chaplain for a panel discussion about multifaith chaplaincy. They asserted that multifaith chaplains work well together because of, rather than despite, their differences provided there is a shared goal. they also felt a constant sense of learning by working alongside his colleagues.

The day was a great success and the discussion brought up some important points about the benefits of multifaith chaplaincy work in a variety of contexts.